Paris Screening

An international conference entitled “Global Circulations of Jazz” will be held on June 27-­‐28, 2013, at the Musée du Quai Branly. Bringing together specialists, anthropologists, historians, musicologists,sociologists, the dissemination of jazz outside of its places of birth will be explored. We will look at this ‘other jazz’, whose history is little and poorly known. Jazz music circulated very early on and engendered particularly rich and fertile musical progeny around the world

Papers are encouraged that will increase our understanding of jazz in South Africa, in Mauritius, and the Indian Ocean, South America and even in India and Asia. This ‘global’ jazz prefigured the great movement of globalization of popular music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, but remains poorly documented. The conference will bring together researchers from different countries, who have begun to address, preferably on an empirical basis, these secondary circuits of diffusion. The conference will conclude with the screening of a documentary on the dissemination of Jazz in India, Finding Carlton – Uncovering the Story of Jazz India, followed by a discussion with the film maker

For conference program email filmmaker (at)